Friday, October 7, 2011


After being continuously working as an engineer in over the past 10 year, I had come to the decision to have a career break by end of 2010. Right after the Chinese New Year in February 2011, I set off for Nepal, one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world to participate in a four-month volunteering work.

Having done some studies, I had finally chosen Umbrella Foundation (UF), an Irish founded Kathmandu based Children home to be my placement for the voluntary assignment.

The UF is a small Independent None Government Organization (INGO) whereby its operations is basically support by the donation raised from all over the world.

Ten years of civil war in Nepal, which ended in 2008 had displaced more than tens of thousands of children. With countless children orphaned and even more trafficked and/or abandoned, UF was established with the goal to rescue destitute children and given them access to education and at the same time working on re-unify the misplace children to their family. There are currently seven children homes under the UF, sheltering over three hundreds children; of which six are in Kathmandu and another one is in Rasuwa, which located at the edge of The Himalaya range.

Upon arrival, I settled into the volunteer house which located within walking distance to the children homes. At here, I get to know other volunteers from all over the world such as Ireland, Germany, Canada and France.

My volunteering life began with a simple greeting “Namaste”(NOTE 1) . I was being introduced to 46 boys as their new sister (NOTE 2). My worries waned immediately when I was warmly welcomed with the innocent smiley faces of the children during out first met. Thereafter, I sat to have my first dal baht (NOTE 3) meal with the kids, learning to eat with hand by mixing the dal with the rice and the skill of putting it into my mouth.

My daily duties involve serving the morning dal baht at around 820am before the kids go to school and walked them to the school which is about 2 km away from the children homes. Volunteers will then gather back at the volunteer house to have our weekly meeting or to have a group discussion for the Saturday activities. Around 3pm, volunteers will again bring home the kids and help to serve them their tea and bread before they began their afternoon study session. Football, basket ball and frisbee are the most popular games for the kids in the evening. Dal bath will then be served at 530pm follow by an evening study session.

As Nepal rest day is on Saturday, we shall endevour to organize some activities on every rest day such as football match between houses, drawing or chess competition, treasure hunt, talent shows or sports day.

Apart from what had just mentioned, each of the volunteers are being assigned with different jobs. I was being assigned to update the kids’ background in the organization database which is of great help when come to reunifying the kids with their long lost family. I was also involved in the preparation of teaching material for school in Gurje, a remote village located north of Kathmandu whereby the UF is working closely to educate the locals. Two volunteers will travel to Gurje to conduct an English teaching lesson to the local school and at the same time promoting personal health and hygiene knowledge to the locals on weekly basis.

Whilst, my assignment with the UF has also enabled me to personally witness a few cases of family reunions. I still can recall vividly the emotional impulse and excitement between the ‘lost-and-found’ kids and their respective parents, moving all of us to tears.

In May 2011, UF opened a new home in Rasuwa. 60 kids were being sent back to their origin province in order to be closer to their families. 130km north of Kathmandu, deep down into the bottom of the Himalaya range, it took the kids 9 hours journey by bus to arrive at a small village name Syambubesi, which is a famous for the starting point for Lantang(NOTE 4) trekking.

Three weeks later, later, together with another volunteer, we set off to Syambubesi to visit the kids . Notwithstanding the beautiful scenery along the countryside, our journey was “incredibly terrifying”. The bus was overloaded with uncountable locals and their poulty such as roosters & goats. Some were even ‘sat’ on the bus roof! I can feel my heart beat jumping fast and i dare not to even look out the window as the road is to narrowed for the bus to go through, one inch away from the road is the canyon with few thousand meter depth in the Himalaya range. The bus wheels just couldn’t afford to slide more than one inch away from the ground

The visit to Rasuwa home was wonderful and I am delighted to find out that the kids adapted well to their new environment. The UF is working closely with the only school in the area in order to provide education for the new arrivals. Having been relocated closer to the kids’ origin village, I witnessed mothers carried baby on their back, walk at least 4 hours over the mountains to visit their long lost child. After a series of assessment, families which are affordable to bear their own kid are allow to bring home their children; else the children will continue staying with UF to received education.

In a blink of an eye, my four months of placement ended with a good mixture of laughter and tears. The bond between the kids and me has grown strong to an extent that words can not describe.

End of June 2011, when it was the time to wake up from this wonderful dream and head back to reality. I had a wonderful farewell party with the kids followed by the traditional Nepalese blessing ceremony whereby tikka(NOTE 5) and khata(NOTE 6) were presented.

Stepping out from the house holding my farewell cards from the kids, I turn around to see the kids gathering at the gate and the balcony waving good bye to me. I wave back strongly to them the one last time with my tears rolling out from my eyes. Whizzing through the small alley heading back to the volunteer house, accompany by millions of stars smiling back at me, I feel the satisfaction for what I had done for the pass four months. The memories with the kids will be kept deep down in the bottom of my heart as part of the most unique and unforgettable experience in my life.


1. Namaste is the most common greeting in Nepal. It has the same meaning as Hello or How are you.

2. The kids address a female volunteer as sister and a male volunteer as brother.

3. Dal bath is the basic food in nepal which consist of rice and dal and abit of curry vegetable. It is being served twice a day as breakfast and dinner.

4. Langtang is one of the most remote areas of Nepal. Bordering Tibet, the mountaneous Langtang National Park is known for its spectacular Himal Mountain Views, and is a popular trekking destination.

5. Tikka is a red powder to put on the forehead as a blessing.

6. Khata is a scarf to be given to someone who is leaving for a journey as a good luck and safe journey blessing.

Monday, April 11, 2011


上个星期五,我特地带了3 个星期天早上回去了Rasuwa  的孩子到Durba Square 一天游。 想让他们看看加德满都另一番面貌,好让他们可以记得他们在这里一些不同的画面。
孩子一早已经换好衣服,乖乖的在等出门。Pasang 还很有礼貌的把手洗干净,抹干了以后才来拖我的手。一个这么可爱懂事的孩子,无论他怎么做,我的心早就已经被他溶化了!
上了的士,孩子很礼貌的问我可不可以把 车窗搅下。 在我轻轻的点过头可许下,孩子才小心翼翼的把窗口搅下。 一阵凉风吹进,我不知道过些日子,孩子还会不会记得有这么的一天,但肯定的是 这一天必定会是我人生当中最值得怀念的其中一天。
到了目的地,孩子很小心的把车窗搅回原本的位置, 这么自律的举动让我感觉到他们的细心!
其实我们在Durba Square 上的活动 并没有什么特别值得纪念的, 大伙儿只不过是拍拍照,追追白鸽。
过后,我带了他们进入了餐厅,买了他们很想吃的雪糕给他们。每一个小孩得到一杯自己专属的雪糕。他们高兴得不得了!要知道这些住在一个拥有46 个小孩的大家庭里,有谁可以真正的拥有过属于自己的一杯雪糕呢?
当服务员送来三杯用玻璃杯装着的白开水时,孩子很小心翼翼的拿起杯子, 轻轻的和大家碰了碰杯,偷偷的笑了一下,然后才开始喝起来。与此同时,还是忍不住地互相的通过玻璃杯里的水而对望,想必是在取笑着对方因水中的折射而造成有趣的脸孔。 一个我们感觉平凡无奇的玻璃杯对尼泊尔的小孩来说可是无比的特别和有趣!因为大多数的尼泊尔人一生当中都只用铁杯子来盛水和茶!玻璃杯对于他们来讲已经是很奢华的惨剧。
我叫了一碟饺子给孩子吃。孩子轻轻的问我,“姐姐,等一下我们用手吃还是用汤匙吃?” 我告诉他们只要他们喜欢,他们可以选择用手或者用汤匙。 三个孩子异口同声地说了一声“我们要用汤匙!” 他们这个回答,让我顿时发现原来孩子觉得可以用汤匙吃东西是被看重的得对待。原来这些小小的心灵是那么的希望被尊重和拥有自己的Dignity (尊严有一点太重了,但是我找不到适当的字眼来代替)!!我赶快就服务生给我们送来汤匙, 孩子很兴奋的握着他们的汤匙他们的,津津有味的吃着鸡肉饺子。
一段小小的出门,三个小男生让我上了一堂人生课 (至少我是这样认为的)。 一些我们毫不起眼的事情,可以是对别的人有着莫大意义!只要大家细心一点的观察, 你也可以为周边的人带来快乐, 甚至是他们的尊严!
回家的路上,孩子告诉我“Sister, I am very happy today! Thank you Sister!”
我使劲的忍住我那已经在眼眶里打转的眼泪回答他们“ Sister is happy if you are happy!”

Friday, April 8, 2011

Gurje Photos

Overview for Gurje
For more Gurje photos, pls visit!/album.php?fbid=214147381935245&id=192928537390463&aid=67391

The Thunderstorm Night in Gurje

The second night was a rough night in Gurje. Waking up by the thunderstorm, I peer at my watch which shows only 1.30am.
Heavy rain pound on the metal roof, creating a loud yet scary noise. Strong wind treated to blow away the roof and even the entire village. I start to imagine landslide might occur and swallow the entire valley. When the rain gets heavier, I felt it just falls right next to me as there are barely any sound proof on the that single layer of roof and the thins layer of stone wall.
Embrace myself more inside the sleeping bag, I try to falls back into sleep, telling myself to let it to the god as there are nothing much I can do at this moment.

Waking up in a peaceful and silent morning, hearing only the bird singing gracefully, everything seems to be in place and the whole village is still standing still fine.

Walking out from the health post, a clear view of Lantang Mt appears right in front of my eye. Thank you to the thunderstorm, which wash away the dust in the air and clear the sky, I manage to have a closer and clearer view of the magnificient Lantang Mt cover with snow.
I stroll down gentling towards the UF base camp to help preparing our dal bhat before leaving the heavenly place, Gurje.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Greeting

Waking up at 6am in the fogging morning, I try to get ourselves ready in the limited facilities. While I am walking up back to the UF base camp on the winding mud road, I heard a little voice shouting “Sister! Namaste!” It cannot be true as there were only local kids on the hill. Without more hesitation, I continue walking until I heard another little voice calling out “ Sister! Namaste!”
I look up and see a boy, who is only 7 or 8 years old, carrying his younger brother on his back waving at me and call out again “ Sister! Namaste!!!”
I quickly response and greet them with my hand waving strongly to them “ Namaste Boys!!” I am trilled! I think the boy must had attended the English class in the school, which teach by the UF volunteer every Wednesday and Thursday during school term.

Oh boy! They just brighten up my morning with the warmest greeting and smile on their face! The boys running into the wheat farm and disappear themselves, leaving me with the echo of the greeting “Sister! Namaste!” in the air.

The 1st Night in Gurje

The temperature plunge dramatically after the sunset, we are hurrying up to get our dal bhat ready before we run out of the last ray. Unfortunately, with only two stoves and the tame fire, 21 of us have to eat in the dark although it is just 7pm.

After the dal bhat, we lit a bon fire in the tiny little compound next to the house. We gather around to keep ourselves warm. One of the boy manage to find a guitar in the store room, where the middle string gone. Yet, the boys still manage to come out with songs.

Looking up to the dark sky, there are countless stars smiling back. One of the volunteers Nainh, trys explaining to me about the astrology. She told me about The Plough, where it looks like a trolley. The Orion, where the leg and hands are form in a square follow by the belt and knife located right in the middle of the square. Right between the Orion’s hands, it lays the Seven Sisters, form in a circle in a less vivid condition.

It is very interesting as I always want to learn about the astrology since I arrived Nepal. Not sure because of I am now closer to the sky in Nepal ( the higher altitude compare to Malaysia) or we are constantly live in the dark due to the load shading? The sky in Nepal seems to be darker and clearer for the stars. Therefore, looking up for the stars has becoming a new hobby of me.

The bon fire night ended with endless laughter and songs. The 3 ladies heading toward the health post for their first night in Gurje.  ( Health Post is a local Clinic, which join sponsor by UF and we can make use of one of the room if there are not enough space in the UF base camp) where the boys stay in the UF Base camp.

Putting on whatever cloths I have, I tuck myself into sleeping bag and embrace myself with the cold but peaceful night with the clock showing only 8.30pm.

The Journey

The bus left the Ring Road immediately and turns into a muddy road. We have 2 hr of bumpy ride on a local bus, cramp with locals and goods range from rice to fertilizer. As the road passing thro villages and becoming rockier, across the winding road passing through edgeless of wheat field, we are heading north of Kathmandu towards the Himalayans.

The journey to Gurje has to go thro the National Reserved Park whereby foreigners are being charge 200 rupees. Four of us, two Irish, a French and myself, try to hide our face among the locals. Bravo to all of us, we manage to escape paying the unfair price by just crossing the National Reserve Park.

I lost count of how many times my heart almost jump out of the window whenever we pass by a canyon and I feel that half of the bus wheel is dangling at the edge of the canyon, the bus drop us right in front of  the entrance of Gurje Village. I am thrilled as I was being told that we will have to walk 1.5 hours up hill for this journey and somehow, we just got into the “very correct bus”, which travel all the way up to the hill before descending down to its destination.

Nevertheless, the magnificent Lantang Mountain covers with snow caught my breath right after we get out from the bus! The view is picturesque with little houses scatted around the mountains.

Looking down hill, I see the small little blue roof, where the Umbrella Foundation base camp located, everybody walk happily towards, knowing that we no longer need to climb 1.5 hours to reach the base camp.

The Departure ( to Gurje Village)

Waking up at 545am in the morning, I rush to the Amadablam at 630, knowing the boys wouldn’t have get themselves ready for the trip. As predicted, they just hang around leisurely eating their tiffin (snack).
As the time approaching 7am and the boys from Sugar Loaf and Solhimal Boys gathered  at the Amadablam compound and leaving for the bus, only 4 of my boys turn up and trying to pack their blankets and vegetables.

It is 21 of us, trying to get into a bus to the bus station name Bus Park in the Ring Road. Initially, the conductor told us it is 12 rupees per person but when we get off the bus, he decided to ask for 15 rupees after seeing foreigner with the kids.
We argue with him leave him with the total of 252 rupees for 21 of us.
We start searching for the correct bus to Gurje. It was buses everywhere and people are shouting out names of location. We have no idea where can we get the bus to Gurje since no one can correctly point out the exact location of the Gurje Bus.

We walk back and for , loitering on the street which is about 2km long , trying to figure out whre to catht the bus. After over an hour with 21 of us walking along the Ring Road, we finally found the location of the bus to Gurje.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011



上个星期天,趁着休假,我去了观看尼泊尔人的葬礼。在Pashupatinath 的焚化场,我静静的坐在Bagmati 圣河对岸的梯阶上两个多小时,默默的目睹了一整场葬礼的过程。

虽然尼泊尔人不比 印度人那么有阶级之分,但是火葬场里还是区分了贫民区和富有区。不经意的听到在一傍讲述的导游说,贫民区的火葬费用大约是五千卢比,而富有区的费用则是大约一万卢比。付得较多钱的家属就可以到Bagmati 河上游举行烧尸仪式。

听到这里,心里不禁 出现一个念头,原来贫穷和富有的区分就在于那五千卢比(马币200 零吉)?多给了那五千卢比,家属就会被冠上富裕的光环,而死者就可以伴与 较上等的木材禾草来焚化?无论如何,家属悲痛的心情和激动的告别并没有因为贫穷或富裕而有所差别。

尸体均由黄绢裹缠送到焚化场,然后被放在河边做最后的清洗。通常死者的儿子会先打开裹缠着死者双脚的黄绢,用Bagmati 河的水清洗双脚,然后再把圣水洒在死者的脸上。过后再用多层的绢布重复的裹缠 着尸体,这个时候,富裕的家庭就会用不同颜色和上好的绢布替死者作最后的打扮,然后铺上花圈和洒上Tikka 粉(红色的颜料粉)。道别仪式过后,尸体就会被送到焚化台 点火燃烧。

在观看人生最后一场秀的当下,我看到了另一种情景,一个在死亡里寻找生计的街童。在熊熊烈火烧得噼里啪啦的当儿,Bagmati 里站了好几个街童,使劲的往河里捞,显然是想要找一些没有被烧成灰而又值钱的东西。河流的下流,也 守了好几个街童,尝试用竹竿来打捞那些被抛入河里的绢布。我希望他们没有把那些绢布转卖给制衣商。

在生与死之间,我看到了求生存的街童,不舍 的家属和走完了他人生路程的死者;一个人生的缩影。 人生当中,我们常常在不同的阶段,努力的做好自己本分,求 的就是当生命来到尽头的时候 可以骄傲的 回想起自己不悔的一生。



Wednesday, March 9, 2011


虽然说不要给小孩买糖果,但是小孩毕竟是喜欢吃甜食的。所以星期天还是给他们带来了糖果和巧克力, 就但是和小朋友一起 庆祝我的生日。

近年来的生日,我都为自己找个借口买礼物。 可以是一支手表或是一趟旅行,在自己能力范围之内,物质上的享受应有尽有。

今年,我为我自己买了一趟不一样的旅行, 一个我之前一直想做但是又没有勇气去实行的事情。


最近看了原本书,很喜欢当中的一句话 “ Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be”. 借此与大家共勉之.

A Peaceful night

It was yet another holiday on tuesday. I got exhausted by the kids trying to prepare the up coming Saturday parade and also the drawing competition. I really had enough for the 3 consecutive holidays in a week.
After the dal bhat, I return to my house. I try to finish my laundry in the rooftop before the power cut off at 8pm. Just at the rooftop while I m washing my cloths with my bare hand, I found myself this piece of tranquil land. Away from the crowded kitchen n living room which is now pack with volunteers. I think I just need some undisturbed moment for myself. I enjoy washing the cloths with the company of the stars n the new moon.
After my laundry, I decided to make myself a cup of tea n bring along my book to continue the night at rooftop. I enjoy looking up to the dazzling swanyabhu temple on the top of the hill while I m having a break from my book.

At 8 pm, I see the light went off for the whole area. I watch the stars, which previously over shined by the street lights start popping out from the dark sky. Soon the whole sky was a glitzy show of stars.
As I can no longer able to read my book in the dark unless I use my torch light to do so. I close my book and start enjoying the gentle cold breeze. On and off, I can hear the chanting from far and the dog barking.
This is really the peaceful moment that I had been long waited for both physically and mentally. I felt calm in my mind, the peacefulness that you will not be able to experience when u have too much to go on in your mind.

I start to practice meditation, the way my brother teaches me to. Of course I didn’t really go into the meditation stage, but I am glad that I am able to sit still and think free for a while. Trust me, the meditation method do helps me thro some sleepless night and it is a good way to calm yourself down in what so ever trouble you are going thro.
Sipping my cup of tea and I continue enjoying the night.......
This is a wonderful night for me :)

Sunday, February 27, 2011


傍晚时分,大多数的孩子会集中在屋前的小空地踢球。 嗯,其实应该说是 泄了气的篮球。 听说他们之前已经踢坏了好几个足球,这一阵子都不可以分配到新的足球 所以只好踢篮球解瘾。幸好篮球比足球耐踢很多,暂且就让他们踢一踢,坏了以后再和这里的负责人商量一下,买一个新的给他们。


一直告诉自己,不可以忽略了那些比较安静的小朋友, 要尽量的照顾到每一位,公平的对待他们。所以常常乘他们坐下来吃下午茶的时候,主动地走过去和他们谈天。

就在昨天当我分派完下午茶的时候,我发现一个大约6岁名叫Rampadu 的孩子自己一个人蹲在墙边很久。好奇下,我走了过去看看。 这个平时都比较自闭的孩子居然很兴奋的用他仅会的英语告诉我 那里有很多蚂蚁往洞里去, 里边一定有东西。我就告诉他那可能只是蚂蚁的窝,但是他居然可以很肯定的告诉我,蚂蚁的窝是在柚子树底下,现在那么多蚂蚁往这里走,里边一定有东西(我看他 想讲的是有蚂蚁的食物。 这个时候,我才发现原来这个孩子的洞察和分析能力很强。 而且也很有耐心(蹲在那里30 分钟就为了看蚂蚁!)和专注能力(因为其他的孩子都在哗哗啦啦的踢着球只有他一个人在看蚂蚁)。

我发现,只要用心的去看每一件事情,就算是一件微不足道的小事件, 也可以让你从中了解到每一个小朋友的个性, 借此 拉近大家的距离。
小男生喜欢玩纸牌,纸牌上的是一些摔角 明星,道理应该是比那一个摔角 明星较厉害 就谁赢吧?!

男生嘛!就是喜欢比谁比较大力! 搞到我的手臂恻恻地痛。。。当然,相片里那个金发美女不是我啦!
平日 孩子们玩得玩具,大多数都是就地取材的东西。
有用 塑胶圈做成的毽子, 可喜的是每当他们在数他们可以踢多少下的时候,他们是用英语来数的!

篮球也可以用来 当排球打!

小朋友争先恐后的要表演绳子 魔术给我看!


Thursday, February 24, 2011


就在飞机降落前的三十分钟,机长向大家报告,我期待已久的珠穆朗玛峰就在飞机的 右侧。
坐在我前后两排的日本人都不仅的呼出Kerai! Sugoi ! 等的赞美字眼, 忍不住和我叽里咕噜的讲起日语来。虽然我听不太懂他们讲些什么,但是大家脸上那种亢奋的表情已经是不再需要任何语言来形容了。


很可惜 我第一个接触到的尼泊尔人就是那些守在机场外,想要从游客身上捞取一些油水的的士司机。
幸好我一早已经确认过,从机场到 UF 所需 的费用是400 卢比。所以一当那些飞禽大咬 的司机开价900 卢比时,我就一口拒绝了!无论如何都坚持付不超过400 卢比!
拥扰了一阵子,终于有人良心发现,听到我是来自于马来西亚,而且来这里当义工,自动说给我当地人的打的价钱。(后来到了义工之家,我 才知道我是唯一一个付400 卢比的人,其他的老外都付了700900卢比 不等的车资。 哈哈哈!)


小车子继续的横冲直撞, 穿梭在大街小巷中。 好几次差一点就和大卡车撞上,也差一点就 撞倒了一位正在过马路的老婆婆。 恐怖万分!!
想眼不看为妙,但是又怕死得不明不白。眼观四方又 怕心脏病爆发!几经风险,捏了一大把 冷汗,终于安全的抵达了我未来这三个月的家。

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blackout Time

What is Loadsheding?
U tends to see this word everywhere in kathmandu.
It is a timetable given to the ppl here regarding the schedule of the power cut off for each day.
Due to the lack of rain in the winter, the hydro power is not sufficient to supply a 24/7 electricity to the kathamandu valley.
Therefore, the Loadsheding is plan to distribute the power.
I have to check the schedule everyday so that i can get my mobile and laptop charge up and to get enuf drinking water as the water filter will not work without a power supply.

After a 4 deg C shower on the first night on my arrival( the water heater was broken, but it is back to work now), I was shivering and padding my hair dry on the bed.
I watch the sky gets darker and darker from the window.
I have nothing to do except keep on padding dry my hair.
The only entertainment i had is to listen to the dog barking and some vehicle pass by.
No computer, no mobile phone and no TV.
N I do not need to worry about deadlines in work or any urgent task waiting to be done.
I feel calm and relax.
I experience the most peaceful moment in my life in a completely dark room, alone with 3 other empty beds.
I continue padding drying my hair for more then an hour, not that i need to but i just donn't have anything else to do.
That is how I spent my first blackout night, feeling calm and peaceful on my slightly hard wooden bed with my blanket around me. Thinking........

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Umbrella Got Talent

We are having a big show on this coming saturday, Umbrella got Talent Show!
The event is going to take place in a nearby hotel.
We had our weekly volunteer's meeting on Monday morning to discuss about the arrangement like how to walk the kids from individual houses, and how to decorate the stage and also the flow of the program.
It makes me feel like i am back to the high school or Uni time.
Each house is given 10 mins to perform their acts.
My Amadablam boys is going to perform 3 acts. 1 hiphop dance, 1 Nepali dance and 1 solo  singing.
I just listen to my boy's sings and believe me, he is really good!! 
I was amazed by how much talents the boys had in dancing and singing and i think the show is giving them  a very good opportunity and encouragement in performing.
I am so looking forward to see the rehearsal from my boys tomorrow evening.
Menwhile, I will be visiting another boys's house to check on their preparation of the Banner for the night. These are the teen boys house where their age round 14-18.
I am so excited for this coming saturdy and i m sure the kids will enjoy it too!

Meeting up with the kids

I was being assign to Amadablam House, whereby they are a mixture of young boys range from 4 to maybe 10 or 11.
My worry was gone immediately after i get to meet the kids. They are super friendly and active.
They loves to talk to peoples and ask alot of question!
I am so surprise that their english is very good, communication is totally not a problem!
Yesterday evening,It was my first time sitting together with them to have their dal bhat.
They are so well discipline ( somewhere they wasn't..) but when the time come, a few of them will arrange the cursion and a few elder one will take care the distribution of food. They form a line from the kitchen to the common room and passing the rice to one by one.
They will wait till everybody (almost) got their food then only start eating.
I am really impressed.
After eating, they will each wash their plate and one of the kid was being assign as the checker to check whether the plate is really clean b4 they allow to put it back to the shelve.
Ans then, it is the free time for them before they start their study time.
I follow the kids to see their rooms, they show me their collection of photos of the wrestler (which is kind of popular "sport" in Nepal unfortunately....) they also shown me some drawings which they drawn (some of them are really talented i must says).
 I didnt stay much longer after the kids starts their self study time as I am heading back to my volunteer's house as yesterday was one of the french girl's birthday. So we went out to a restaurant nearby to celebrate.
I tried some momos (dumpling filled with either chicken, or veg or buffalo meat... ) which is a typical common food in nepal.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


在这里和大家说声抱歉,结束了工作以后就忙着过年,一直都没有时间来这里和大家更新 一下情况。
在这新年期间,一直忙着和 旧朋友见面。
很感谢大家对我的支持! 你们的祝福我都一一收到了!

我想,当每一个人即将离开自己熟悉的环境 的时候,心理总是会有一点不安吧?
虽然很不愿意的把自己形容成甴曱, 但是我还真的觉得我对新环境的适应能力是比甴曱有过之而无不及的!
所以各位 朋友不必为我太担心。

与此同时,我还学了一两手扑克牌小魔术, 希望可以借此快速的和 小朋友们拉近关系!
其间,我约见了一位曾经到过尼泊尔当义工的网友见面(在此暂称他为酷man),借由从他口中得知了很多有关当地的相关资料。 酷man 还很用心的制作了一个有关大宝森节的slide show, 让我带过去给小孩子看看, 让他们认识马来西亚 兴都教徒的庆典。


(朋友还很有心得为我下载了李佳薇的勇敢和回家的mp3! 感谢大家无论是精神上 还是行动上的支持!!)



Monday, January 24, 2011


我的上班生涯即将在 这个星期五 正式的 画上 休止符了!
老实说, 随着时间逐渐的逼近, 心里是 开始冒起一点 忐忑不安心情。
毕竟 之前一口气没间断的工作了 十年 这下子 成了无业游民 实在是想象不到 那将会是个怎样的生活。
物质上的准备都已经做了七七八八, 比较难的是 心情上 调适。
一直告诉自己 做好最坏的准备, 希望 最好的出现 (Prepare for the Worst, Hope for the Best).
虽然不是 第一次出门, 但是毕竟现在要去的是一个跟我以往所到过很不一样的国家。由于生活习惯 和种族信仰的不同,即将要面对的可能不止是 平穷和落后 生活,还可能是 人与人的沟通和相处方式。
UF 一直再三的 强调 不要把自己惯于的一套 用在 当地人的身上, 必须怀着 中庸和 开放的态度, 去接受当地的 人与事物。  好吧!那就 随遇而安, 凡事以平常心对待吧!(这两句话已经成为我人生的座右铭了!)
告诉自己, 勇于面对变化, 接受新的挑战,
照片摄于2009 年10月,深秋的德国, Fussen

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Colour studio set donated by friend. Will bring over to the kids in Nepal
More Colour pencil and learning books for the kids.
Did those learning card remind u when u learn your first word?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Please "Like" Me

Recently, I gain some feedback from friends who couldn't understand Chinese, complaining that they couldn't undestand my blog. I appologise for that.
As I had make myself clear that I would like to keep majority of my writing in Chinese, which I am more comfortable with, I will try my best to cover both English and Chinese if possible.
One of the thing that I've done to resolve this issue is to create my Page in Facebook.
As day goes by, I will upload more photos  with what I see and experience in Nepal.
I believe picture tells a thousand words!
I will have wifi acess from the Umbrella Foundation Office during working hour.
So i plan to walk to the office daily to upload some photos and thoughs into my Page thro my iPhone.
In this case, we will still stays close to each other and you will have the chance to see  my lunch, the moment i spent with the kids and also the street look on Kathmandu.
So, please do not hestitate to "Like" my page and i will try my best to keep u updated !
Note: To Like my page;
Please click the button on the right hand site of my Blogspot under  " Follow me on My Facebook"
Lets travel together  and expereince the beauty of Nepal!

快点来“Like“ 我吧!!

为了让大家可以更容易的跟随我的脚步, 一起出发去尼泊尔,
其实,我昨晚特地为我的部落格开了一个面子书的Page.(Page 名叫:双鱼的出走)
只要你们”Like”  我的Page 那么你们就可以马上阅读到我每一次更新的资料。
在面子书的Page里,我可以随时随地的upload 照片,比如我的午餐,我与孩童们的互动 及尼泊尔街道上的情景。
和Umbrella Foundation的负责人谈过,UF  的办公室会有wifi,
所以我打算每天不定时的走到办公室,用我的iphone上载那些我所遇见, 新奇和有趣的 见闻, 第一时间和大家分享分享!
由于现在我每天还是可以很方便的用电脑上载文章到我的部落格,所以我的Page 暂时可能没有那么happening,
但是一旦出发了,我想我要到每一个星期的dayoff  才有机会更新我的部落格。
为了不要让大家失望,我希望可以通过面子书的Page keep 大家updated.
事不宜迟,赶快”like” 我的Page 吧!
你可以click 我放在部落格的右手边的链接,
或到你们的面子书,打入“双鱼的出走“ 然后”like” 我吧!



Tuesday, January 18, 2011


预付公寓的电费- 不想回来的时候, 迎接我的是一片漆黑。
预付公寓的管理费- 不想早上起来刷牙的时候才发现没有水。
电邮Astro 看可不可以暂停Service 四个月。
打印出所有相关的资料, 机票,和落地签证申请表。
旅游保险,换钱,准备多几张的护照相片,到诊所拿一些药 等等。。。。
还有我的一千多块钱的 Claim, 公司不知道设么时候才会还给我!
就连停车场的deposit 也将要两个月过后才可以领回!简直是岂有此理!
唉!凡人啊!! 怎么这么多繁琐的事情啊!