Sunday, February 27, 2011


傍晚时分,大多数的孩子会集中在屋前的小空地踢球。 嗯,其实应该说是 泄了气的篮球。 听说他们之前已经踢坏了好几个足球,这一阵子都不可以分配到新的足球 所以只好踢篮球解瘾。幸好篮球比足球耐踢很多,暂且就让他们踢一踢,坏了以后再和这里的负责人商量一下,买一个新的给他们。


一直告诉自己,不可以忽略了那些比较安静的小朋友, 要尽量的照顾到每一位,公平的对待他们。所以常常乘他们坐下来吃下午茶的时候,主动地走过去和他们谈天。

就在昨天当我分派完下午茶的时候,我发现一个大约6岁名叫Rampadu 的孩子自己一个人蹲在墙边很久。好奇下,我走了过去看看。 这个平时都比较自闭的孩子居然很兴奋的用他仅会的英语告诉我 那里有很多蚂蚁往洞里去, 里边一定有东西。我就告诉他那可能只是蚂蚁的窝,但是他居然可以很肯定的告诉我,蚂蚁的窝是在柚子树底下,现在那么多蚂蚁往这里走,里边一定有东西(我看他 想讲的是有蚂蚁的食物。 这个时候,我才发现原来这个孩子的洞察和分析能力很强。 而且也很有耐心(蹲在那里30 分钟就为了看蚂蚁!)和专注能力(因为其他的孩子都在哗哗啦啦的踢着球只有他一个人在看蚂蚁)。

我发现,只要用心的去看每一件事情,就算是一件微不足道的小事件, 也可以让你从中了解到每一个小朋友的个性, 借此 拉近大家的距离。
小男生喜欢玩纸牌,纸牌上的是一些摔角 明星,道理应该是比那一个摔角 明星较厉害 就谁赢吧?!

男生嘛!就是喜欢比谁比较大力! 搞到我的手臂恻恻地痛。。。当然,相片里那个金发美女不是我啦!
平日 孩子们玩得玩具,大多数都是就地取材的东西。
有用 塑胶圈做成的毽子, 可喜的是每当他们在数他们可以踢多少下的时候,他们是用英语来数的!

篮球也可以用来 当排球打!

小朋友争先恐后的要表演绳子 魔术给我看!


Thursday, February 24, 2011


就在飞机降落前的三十分钟,机长向大家报告,我期待已久的珠穆朗玛峰就在飞机的 右侧。
坐在我前后两排的日本人都不仅的呼出Kerai! Sugoi ! 等的赞美字眼, 忍不住和我叽里咕噜的讲起日语来。虽然我听不太懂他们讲些什么,但是大家脸上那种亢奋的表情已经是不再需要任何语言来形容了。


很可惜 我第一个接触到的尼泊尔人就是那些守在机场外,想要从游客身上捞取一些油水的的士司机。
幸好我一早已经确认过,从机场到 UF 所需 的费用是400 卢比。所以一当那些飞禽大咬 的司机开价900 卢比时,我就一口拒绝了!无论如何都坚持付不超过400 卢比!
拥扰了一阵子,终于有人良心发现,听到我是来自于马来西亚,而且来这里当义工,自动说给我当地人的打的价钱。(后来到了义工之家,我 才知道我是唯一一个付400 卢比的人,其他的老外都付了700900卢比 不等的车资。 哈哈哈!)


小车子继续的横冲直撞, 穿梭在大街小巷中。 好几次差一点就和大卡车撞上,也差一点就 撞倒了一位正在过马路的老婆婆。 恐怖万分!!
想眼不看为妙,但是又怕死得不明不白。眼观四方又 怕心脏病爆发!几经风险,捏了一大把 冷汗,终于安全的抵达了我未来这三个月的家。

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blackout Time

What is Loadsheding?
U tends to see this word everywhere in kathmandu.
It is a timetable given to the ppl here regarding the schedule of the power cut off for each day.
Due to the lack of rain in the winter, the hydro power is not sufficient to supply a 24/7 electricity to the kathamandu valley.
Therefore, the Loadsheding is plan to distribute the power.
I have to check the schedule everyday so that i can get my mobile and laptop charge up and to get enuf drinking water as the water filter will not work without a power supply.

After a 4 deg C shower on the first night on my arrival( the water heater was broken, but it is back to work now), I was shivering and padding my hair dry on the bed.
I watch the sky gets darker and darker from the window.
I have nothing to do except keep on padding dry my hair.
The only entertainment i had is to listen to the dog barking and some vehicle pass by.
No computer, no mobile phone and no TV.
N I do not need to worry about deadlines in work or any urgent task waiting to be done.
I feel calm and relax.
I experience the most peaceful moment in my life in a completely dark room, alone with 3 other empty beds.
I continue padding drying my hair for more then an hour, not that i need to but i just donn't have anything else to do.
That is how I spent my first blackout night, feeling calm and peaceful on my slightly hard wooden bed with my blanket around me. Thinking........

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Umbrella Got Talent

We are having a big show on this coming saturday, Umbrella got Talent Show!
The event is going to take place in a nearby hotel.
We had our weekly volunteer's meeting on Monday morning to discuss about the arrangement like how to walk the kids from individual houses, and how to decorate the stage and also the flow of the program.
It makes me feel like i am back to the high school or Uni time.
Each house is given 10 mins to perform their acts.
My Amadablam boys is going to perform 3 acts. 1 hiphop dance, 1 Nepali dance and 1 solo  singing.
I just listen to my boy's sings and believe me, he is really good!! 
I was amazed by how much talents the boys had in dancing and singing and i think the show is giving them  a very good opportunity and encouragement in performing.
I am so looking forward to see the rehearsal from my boys tomorrow evening.
Menwhile, I will be visiting another boys's house to check on their preparation of the Banner for the night. These are the teen boys house where their age round 14-18.
I am so excited for this coming saturdy and i m sure the kids will enjoy it too!

Meeting up with the kids

I was being assign to Amadablam House, whereby they are a mixture of young boys range from 4 to maybe 10 or 11.
My worry was gone immediately after i get to meet the kids. They are super friendly and active.
They loves to talk to peoples and ask alot of question!
I am so surprise that their english is very good, communication is totally not a problem!
Yesterday evening,It was my first time sitting together with them to have their dal bhat.
They are so well discipline ( somewhere they wasn't..) but when the time come, a few of them will arrange the cursion and a few elder one will take care the distribution of food. They form a line from the kitchen to the common room and passing the rice to one by one.
They will wait till everybody (almost) got their food then only start eating.
I am really impressed.
After eating, they will each wash their plate and one of the kid was being assign as the checker to check whether the plate is really clean b4 they allow to put it back to the shelve.
Ans then, it is the free time for them before they start their study time.
I follow the kids to see their rooms, they show me their collection of photos of the wrestler (which is kind of popular "sport" in Nepal unfortunately....) they also shown me some drawings which they drawn (some of them are really talented i must says).
 I didnt stay much longer after the kids starts their self study time as I am heading back to my volunteer's house as yesterday was one of the french girl's birthday. So we went out to a restaurant nearby to celebrate.
I tried some momos (dumpling filled with either chicken, or veg or buffalo meat... ) which is a typical common food in nepal.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


在这里和大家说声抱歉,结束了工作以后就忙着过年,一直都没有时间来这里和大家更新 一下情况。
在这新年期间,一直忙着和 旧朋友见面。
很感谢大家对我的支持! 你们的祝福我都一一收到了!

我想,当每一个人即将离开自己熟悉的环境 的时候,心理总是会有一点不安吧?
虽然很不愿意的把自己形容成甴曱, 但是我还真的觉得我对新环境的适应能力是比甴曱有过之而无不及的!
所以各位 朋友不必为我太担心。

与此同时,我还学了一两手扑克牌小魔术, 希望可以借此快速的和 小朋友们拉近关系!
其间,我约见了一位曾经到过尼泊尔当义工的网友见面(在此暂称他为酷man),借由从他口中得知了很多有关当地的相关资料。 酷man 还很用心的制作了一个有关大宝森节的slide show, 让我带过去给小孩子看看, 让他们认识马来西亚 兴都教徒的庆典。


(朋友还很有心得为我下载了李佳薇的勇敢和回家的mp3! 感谢大家无论是精神上 还是行动上的支持!!)

