Thursday, December 16, 2010

小小绵力, 大大爱心


Umbrella is financed entirely by donations, child sponsors and fundraisers hosted all over the world. We now ask volunteers to fund raise a minimum of €1000 before coming to Umbrella. This €1000 will cover your living expenses while living with Umbrella; accommodation in the volunteer's house for three months, two meals a day, programme running costs and expenses for the Saturday activities. It will also cover the cost of caring for one child for an entire year! Asking volunteers to fund raise before coming on the programme has many benefits for the overall organisation:

- Raises enough money to care for one child for one year (Umbrella spends ~€750 per child
every year)
- Covers the cost of the volunteer programme
- Raises awareness of the situation and needs in Nepal
- Raises Umbrella's network of supporters
- We feel that the programme should not cost the volunteer; they are giving their valuable time.


除了金钱以外,我也开始着手收集一些旧的小孩子衣服,当中,UF 要求 :

Materials for the children such as art materials, children's clothes and teacher's manuals are very much appreciated and are a great help. In particular children's underwear, socks and boys trousers are appreciated.

所以如果大家家里有一些二手的孩子衣服,可以转交给我带过去。我现在正在与航空公司接洽,看可不可以多给我一点的baggage allowance,好让我可以把东西带过去。与此同时,我有几位朋友也说他们可以把收集到的衣服和玩具邮寄到尼泊尔给我。


我的Maybank Account: 112017538536 (Yap Shang Seen)


Anonymous said...

when is the due date for it?? i will try my best to get some used bb baju and also toys....CheeLing

Shang Seen said...

no need bb cloths, they are mostly 5 yrs old and above one.
I need to talk to Thai Airway soon to check how much additional baggage they allow me, else i cannot carry with me...