Monday, May 17, 2010

南法4 天3夜- 贪心之旅。

原本打算自己一个人去南法骑脚踏车看薰衣草, 过一个悠闲的长周末。
要看南法最富有的城市,St. Topez (以前戴安娜王妃就是在这里被投拍到与男友戏水的照片!)
最后得从尼斯 回返伦敦。
天啊!, 想到都累对吧!?
看看我画的旅程吧!四人一团,开了我们的宝马,就从马赛尔 出发了!

P/S:车子是租回来的,还被upgrade 了成为宝马!可能因为南法实在 是有钱人住的地方,
宝马已经是 普遍的车子,其他的人都开法拉利,蓝保基尼和那些叫不 出 名字的跑车!

Day 1
Arrive Marseille at 1220pm, Pick up car and drive

Marseille- (1hr 14mins) Gordes-( 38 mins)Sault-(44 mins)Carpentras-(31mins)Avignon

Gordes and Sault are the centre of Lanvender field.
Total journey is 196km and driving time is 3hr 8 mins

Day 2
Place to see in Avignon:
Rocher Des Doms
Pope’s palace
St. benezet bridge
Pls see below link for picture :

Only have half day b4 move to Marseille for a late lunch (hopefully can get some seafood here)

The two most popular dishes in Marseille are: Bouillabaisse and Bourride. Bouillabaisse is a fish stew and it has a saffron flavor. Bourride is also a fish stew, but it is flavored with a type of garlic mayonnaise.

Places to see in Marseille:
Cathedrale de la major
Old Port (Vieux Port)
Continue journey along the coast
Marseille- (30mins) Cassis- (30mins) Toulon- (1hr) St. Topez- (50mins) Frejus

Place to see in St. Topez:
1. Pampelonne Beach

Day 3
Frejus- (42mins) Cannes- (33mins) Nice- (17mins) Monaco

Places to see in Cannes
La Croisette (world famous street for banded stuff)
Forville Market (Marche Forville)

Places to see in Nice
Castle Hill (Colline du Chateau)
Cours Saleya (Market and Food)
Promenade des Anglais (walk at waterfront, scenery)
Old Town (vielle ville) Flower market in morning

Places to see in Monaco
Casino of Monte-carlo
Larvotto Beach

Day 4
Nice and go home

1 comment:

C9妈咪 said...
