Tuesday, March 22, 2011
上个星期天,趁着休假,我去了观看尼泊尔人的葬礼。在Pashupatinath 的焚化场,我静静的坐在Bagmati 圣河对岸的梯阶上两个多小时,默默的目睹了一整场葬礼的过程。
虽然尼泊尔人不比 印度人那么有阶级之分,但是火葬场里还是区分了贫民区和富有区。不经意的听到在一傍讲述的导游说,贫民区的火葬费用大约是五千卢比,而富有区的费用则是大约一万卢比。付得较多钱的家属就可以到Bagmati 河上游举行烧尸仪式。
听到这里,心里不禁 出现一个念头,原来贫穷和富有的区分就在于那五千卢比(马币200 零吉)?多给了那五千卢比,家属就会被冠上富裕的光环,而死者就可以伴与 较上等的木材禾草来焚化?无论如何,家属悲痛的心情和激动的告别并没有因为贫穷或富裕而有所差别。
尸体均由黄绢裹缠送到焚化场,然后被放在河边做最后的清洗。通常死者的儿子会先打开裹缠着死者双脚的黄绢,用Bagmati 河的水清洗双脚,然后再把圣水洒在死者的脸上。过后再用多层的绢布重复的裹缠 着尸体,这个时候,富裕的家庭就会用不同颜色和上好的绢布替死者作最后的打扮,然后铺上花圈和洒上Tikka 粉(红色的颜料粉)。道别仪式过后,尸体就会被送到焚化台 点火燃烧。
在观看人生最后一场秀的当下,我看到了另一种情景,一个在死亡里寻找生计的街童。在熊熊烈火烧得噼里啪啦的当儿,Bagmati 河 里站了好几个街童,使劲的往河里捞,显然是想要找一些没有被烧成灰而又值钱的东西。河流的下流,也 守了好几个街童,尝试用竹竿来打捞那些被抛入河里的绢布。我希望他们没有把那些绢布转卖给制衣商。
在生与死之间,我看到了求生存的街童,不舍 的家属和走完了他人生路程的死者;一个人生的缩影。 人生当中,我们常常在不同的阶段,努力的做好自己本分,求 的就是当生命来到尽头的时候 可以骄傲的 回想起自己不悔的一生。
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
虽然说不要给小孩买糖果,但是小孩毕竟是喜欢吃甜食的。所以星期天还是给他们带来了糖果和巧克力, 就但是和小朋友一起 庆祝我的生日。
近年来的生日,我都为自己找个借口买礼物。 可以是一支手表或是一趟旅行,在自己能力范围之内,物质上的享受应有尽有。
今年,我为我自己买了一趟不一样的旅行, 一个我之前一直想做但是又没有勇气去实行的事情。
最近看了原本书,很喜欢当中的一句话 “ Stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone ought to be”. 借此与大家共勉之.
A Peaceful night
It was yet another holiday on tuesday. I got exhausted by the kids trying to prepare the up coming Saturday parade and also the drawing competition. I really had enough for the 3 consecutive holidays in a week.
After the dal bhat, I return to my house. I try to finish my laundry in the rooftop before the power cut off at 8pm. Just at the rooftop while I m washing my cloths with my bare hand, I found myself this piece of tranquil land. Away from the crowded kitchen n living room which is now pack with volunteers. I think I just need some undisturbed moment for myself. I enjoy washing the cloths with the company of the stars n the new moon.
After my laundry, I decided to make myself a cup of tea n bring along my book to continue the night at rooftop. I enjoy looking up to the dazzling swanyabhu temple on the top of the hill while I m having a break from my book.
After the dal bhat, I return to my house. I try to finish my laundry in the rooftop before the power cut off at 8pm. Just at the rooftop while I m washing my cloths with my bare hand, I found myself this piece of tranquil land. Away from the crowded kitchen n living room which is now pack with volunteers. I think I just need some undisturbed moment for myself. I enjoy washing the cloths with the company of the stars n the new moon.
After my laundry, I decided to make myself a cup of tea n bring along my book to continue the night at rooftop. I enjoy looking up to the dazzling swanyabhu temple on the top of the hill while I m having a break from my book.
At 8 pm, I see the light went off for the whole area. I watch the stars, which previously over shined by the street lights start popping out from the dark sky. Soon the whole sky was a glitzy show of stars.
As I can no longer able to read my book in the dark unless I use my torch light to do so. I close my book and start enjoying the gentle cold breeze. On and off, I can hear the chanting from far and the dog barking.
This is really the peaceful moment that I had been long waited for both physically and mentally. I felt calm in my mind, the peacefulness that you will not be able to experience when u have too much to go on in your mind.
I start to practice meditation, the way my brother teaches me to. Of course I didn’t really go into the meditation stage, but I am glad that I am able to sit still and think free for a while. Trust me, the meditation method do helps me thro some sleepless night and it is a good way to calm yourself down in what so ever trouble you are going thro.
Sipping my cup of tea and I continue enjoying the night.......
This is a wonderful night for me :)
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